High School Parents, If you have a student who is currently taking a CTE course in our district, we are asking that you please complete the survey below. It shouldn't take you too long! A CTE course includes any of the following courses: Accounting, any of the Shop classes, Welding, and Personal Finance. We would greatly appreciate your help in filling these surveys out! Thanks! https://forms.gle/AZD5mQMuao3nAi6LA
12 months ago, Lindsey Fathke
The Wrestling Duel for tonight vs Parkston has been moved to Friday at 630 in Tyndall. The schedule for tonight's Basketball games is Boys C game at 4, Both JV at 5, Girls Varsity at 6, followed by Boys.
12 months ago, Tim Leibel
Due to the wind chill warning and road conditions in parts of our district, there will be a two-hour late start in the Avon School District on Tuesday, January 16. All morning practices have been cancelled. Please travel safely. Thank you.
12 months ago, Brian Field
Due to the wind chill warning, road conditions, and no travel being advised in parts of Bon Homme County, there will be NO SCHOOL in the Avon School District on Monday, January 15. All practices and activities for Monday have been postponed or cancelled. Thank you.
12 months ago, Brian Field
Here is a recap of the postponements/cancelations to the school calendar. Additional changes will be posted as they are scheduled and confirmed.
12 months ago, Lindsey Fathke
There will be NO Archery practice on Sunday, January 14. The next practice will be Sunday, January 21 from 2 - 4 pm.
12 months ago, Lindsey Fathke
Due to the winter storm warning, there will be no school in the Avon School District on Friday, January 12. All activities and practices for Friday have been postponed or cancelled. Please stay safe and warm. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Brian Field
The girls wrestling tournament in Harrisburg scheduled for January 12th is cancelled. The MS wrestling tournament scheduled for Saturday in Huron is also cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
The Basketball DH for tonight with Scotland has been postponed due to the forecasted weather.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
The wrestling triangular for tonight in Bon Homme has been postponed.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
The start times for tonight's DH vs Scotland has been moved up 1 hour. There are no JV games, the JH games will be played at the same time in both gyms at 4, Girls Varsity starts at 515, followed by Boys.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
The BBB game for Saturday January 13th vs KWL has be postponed until Feb 16th. the schedule will be 5/6 at 430, JH at 530, JV at 630 followed by Varsity,
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
Come support the Post Prom before the games on Thursday night! The supper starts at 5 pm.
about 1 year ago, Lindsey Fathke
post prom
Regular Meeting of the Avon Board of Education Wednesday, January 10th, 2024, 6:30 P.M. Board Room Join Zoom Meeting https://sdk12.zoom.us/j/9883059751?pwd=dlJMZGRsb1NPcVMvd1cwakxUaGdzZz09 Meeting ID: 988 305 9751 Passcode: 3291 1. Call to order 2. Approve the agenda. 3. Conflict of Interest 4. Financial report 5. Approve minutes of the December 11th, 2023, meeting. 6. Principal’s report 7. Superintendent’s report 8. Public Input 9. First reading of the 2024-2025 school calendar. 10. Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to appoint election officials and set time, date, precinct, and polling place for school board election. 11. Payment of bills 12. Set time and Date for February 2024 Meeting. 13. Building Committee report 14. Curriculum committee report 16. Other Business 1. Approve the wage increase for high school custodial staff with the new SD minimum wage of $11.20 per hour. 2. Matthew Grant-Donation 3. Annual Evaluation of the Business Manager for February 4. Appoint Brian Field as Purchasing Agent, Title Program Coordinator, to close school during inclement weather, to establish Impress Fund with fund cash balance of $10,000. 5. Approve Tom Pier as assistant softball coach for 2023-2024 SY. 17. Executive session, if needed 18. Adjournment
about 1 year ago, Jordan Kortan
The basketball doubleheader for tonight with FAM has been postponed, no make up date has been scheduled yet.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
Due to the snowfall, drifting, and road conditions, there will be NO SCHOOL in the Avon School District on Tuesday, January 9. All practices and activities for today have been postponed or cancelled. Thanks.
about 1 year ago, Brian Field
The schedule for tomorrow nights double header in Marion is Girls JV at 4, Boys JV at 5, Girls Varsity at 615, followed by Boys varsity.
about 1 year ago, Tim Leibel
Due to the recent snowfall and wind that is forecasted, there will be a two-hour late start in the Avon School District on Tuesday, January 9. All morning practices have been cancelled. Please travel safely. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Brian Field
Due to the winter storm, the regular meeting of the Avon School Board has been postponed from Monday, January 8 to Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Brian Field
We are aware of an issue with Avon School Messenger system contacting all household emergency contacts. This is in the process of correction. Thanks for your patience.
about 1 year ago, Julie Mudder