Go to the link below to vote the Avon Pirates Football game for viewers choice. https://www.keloland.com/sportszone/viewers-choice-poll/
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
The Bon Homme Cross Country meet scheduled for today has been postponed until Wednesday, October 6th at 2:00 PM. The meet will be varsity and JV only, no Junior High.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Avon Pink orders due by September 27. They should be delivered by the October 15th football game.
over 3 years ago, Julie Mudder
Avon Pink Orders
Here are the results from the Avon Punt, Pass, and Kick Contest last Friday and a few pictures of some competitors. #piratepride
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
Pirate Fans - Come check out the old trophies now displayed in the crow's nest at the football field. #piratepride #expectexcellence
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
Reminder: There will be a Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition at the football field immediately following the parade.
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
The Avon Booster Club will be selling Pirate apparel during the Homecoming Parade on Friday. They will be located at the football field by the concession stand. Also, the Booster Club will be hosting a Tailgate Supper at the football field from 5:00-7:00 PM Friday evening. Go Pirates!!
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
The Junior High and JV football games that were scheduled for Tuesday have been moved to Monday and will be played in Alcester. The track/football facility will be closed starting Saturday morning through at least Wednesday for the track resurface. The JV game will start at 3:45, followed by the JH game, due to Coronation for Alcester-Hudson Monday evening
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Bayer Fund Teams with Farmers to Direct Funds to Local Nonprofits, Schools and Ag Programs Revamped America’s Farmers Grow Communities Program Makes it Easier for Farmers to Support Organizations that Keep Communities Thriving • Now through Nov. 1, eligible farmers can enroll in the Bayer Fund’s America’s Farmers Grow Communities program for the chance to direct a donation to a local eligible nonprofit, school or ag program. • In 2022, Bayer Fund will double the individual donations to $5,000, up from $2,500 in previous years. • Since 2010, the America’s Farmers programs have awarded $60 million to thousands of nonprofits, schools and ag students across rural America. • To enroll for a chance to direct a donation, farmers can visit www.AmericasFarmers.com or call 1-877-267-3332 toll-free.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Due to changes from the construction company there will be a different parade route this Friday. If you have any questions, please call the District Office.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Homecoming Parade
Attached is the map of the parade route for Homecoming this Friday at 1:30 PM. Parade entries should start lining up by 1:00 PM by the discus area. The announcer will be in the north school parking lot. All vehicles MUST parallel park along 2nd street to allow enough room for parade entries to safely pass.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Parade Route
Here are the directions to the football field in Dell Rapids for the game with St. Mary's Friday night.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
Parents: As a reminder, please take a moment and complete the Free and Reduced Application for the 2021-2022 school year. Even though lunches are free for all families this year, the applications are very important as they determine grant funding for the school. Extra copies are available in the school office if needed.
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
The Avon Pirate football field and track complex will be closed to everyone until Tuesday, September 7th due to the track resealing process.
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
The JH GVB tournament is canceled on Saturday, September 4.
over 3 years ago, Julie Mudder
MITCHELL CROSS COUNTRY 2021 RESULTS Hot and humid were the words of the day. I was very happy that each and every runner from Avon completed the race. I was also very pleased how the team came together and helped each other after one finished the run. Also thanks to the parents for their support and encouraging words that they gave to their child and to others running. It is great to get that kind of support in this activity. Coach Swier Boys varsity Tyler Tjeersdma 18th John Fathke 48th Haden Cahoy 64th Boys JV Rance Kuhlman 12th Jack Fathke 24th Boys Middle School Parker Podzimek 19th Girls Varsity Mylie Bares 43rd Maesa Kuhlman 44th Girls JV Rilyn Thury 12th Jordyn Voigt 23rd
over 3 years ago, Julie Mudder
Congratulations to Lady Pirate volleyball team on a the comeback win last night!! Outstanding effort!!
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver
The Avon Booster Club will be selling Avon apparel at the home volleyball game tonight. Come out to support the Lady Pirates and pick up some new Pirate gear. #piratepride
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
Below is the updated bracket with APPROXIMATE TIMES based on the performances Tuesday HOWEVER be advised it will be a ROLLING SCHEDULE after the first matches so please plan accordingly. Also we would like to keep Hanson on court A win or lose due to the audio/streaming set up – thank you! Hanson Early Bird Volleyball Tournament Tuesday, Aug. 24 & Thursday, Aug 26 ADMISSION: Adults $5.00 Students $3.00 ***ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AFTER FIRST MATCH A ROLLING SCHEDULE WILL BE FOLLOWED***
over 3 years ago, Sara Hento
EarlyBird VB Court A w Hanson games Video stream for Beaver Nation Network youtu.be https://youtu.be/5rv5bw1jZrY Earlybird VB Court B no audio Video stream for Beaver Nation Network youtu.be
over 3 years ago, Tom Culver