This week we have a few opportunities for you to come and support our students.
Monday – 6-12 Vocal/Band Fall Concert @ 7 pm.
Tuesday – Pep Rally for the football team at 3 pm. This is open to the public.
Wednesday – Veteran’s Day Program @ 2:45 pm
Thursday – 10 am the Football team will be competing in the Class 9B Championship game!
We will have a send-off for the Pirates, using the East doors (by the playground) to the bus at 6:45 am.
Let’s bring a big crowd and support our Pirates at the Dome!! Go Pirates!!
South Dakota Public Broadcasting will also have the game live. Tickets are currently on sale and you can purchase online at or by calling 605-677-5959. Tickets are $15.00 for Adult Seating, $10.00 for student seats.
The Middle School Girls Basketball players competed in the Wagner tournament today.
5th Grade: Champions
6th Grade: 2nd place
7/8th Grade: 2nd place
Congratulations Lady Pirates!
Here is another link for the State Championship Football shirts. This link should bring you to the home ordering page. Go Pirates!
Here is the link for tickets to the Dakota Dome 9B Championship game. Tickets go on sale at 8:00 AM Saturday, November 4th. Game time is Thursday, November 9th at 10:00 AM. Go to
Tickets for the South Dakota High School Football Championships will go on-sale on Saturday, November 4th at 8:00 a.m. on All
tickets will be general admission.
Ticket Prices: They will remain $15.00 for Adult Seating, $10.00 for student seats located in the designated “student section”. For any other questions, the ticket office will be available for emails at USD will respond to emails as quickly as we can. There will be a service charge of $3.00 for all online orders. Tickets can also be purchased through the ticket office on Monday morning starting at 9:00am by calling 605-677-5959.
State Championship Football shirts are available until Sunday, November 5th at midnight. Go Pirates!
We are half way to 100!The Smarties celebrated on Monday with root beer floats, blowing bubbles, popping 50 balloons and building a creation with 50 Legos.
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week
PK-4: Spencer Dykstra
5-8: Ava Johnson
9-12: Sophie Paulsen
The Juniors will be serving an extended menu at concessions tonight. Concessions will open at 6 pm. Come support the Pirates and Juniors tonight! Good luck to the Pirates!
The Avon Oral Interp team competed at the District 3B competition in Mitchell on November 1. The team was awarded the 3B District Championship trophy. The following students advanced to the Region 2B competition which will take place in Mitchell on November 14: Readers Theater (Abby Gretschmann, Ella Hamilton, Lexi Vanderlei, Jake Namminga, Noah Watchorn, and Hope Kemnitz), Duet (Ashley Tolsma and Kate Swier), Storytelling - Kate Swier, Humorous Prose - Ashley Tolsma, Non-original Oratory - Lexi Vanderlei, and Serious Prose - Noah Watchorn. The team is coached by Sara Hento.
Get your tickets for the Science club Raffle. We have about 70 spots left!
The Lady Pirates will play the second match during Region 5B play tomorrow night in Bonesteel. Games start at 6:00 pm. The winner of the match between the Lady Pirates and TDA will qualify for the SODAK 16. Good Luck Lady Pirates!
Regular Meeting of the Avon Board of Education
Monday, November 13th, 2023, 6:30 P.M.
Board Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Personal Meeting ID: 988 305 9751
Passcode: 3291
1. Call to order
2. Approve the agenda.
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Financial report
5. Approve minutes of the October 9th, 2023, meeting.
6. Principal’s report
7. Superintendent’s report
8. Public Input
9. Payment of bills
10. Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action for National Honor Society Pay.
11. Building Committee report
11. Curriculum committee report
12. Other Business
a. Staff Christmas Gifts
b. ASBSD Board Retreat-Policy Review
c. SPED Stipends
d. Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to change the December regular meeting date/time.
13. Executive session, if needed
14. Adjournment
Spooky Science!
Thank you to Mr. Kuhlman and the Chemistry class for putting on a great show last week! Thank you to all our special guests that came to enjoy the show as well!
Attention Middle School and High School Students: If you'd like to dress up tomorrow for Halloween, please donate $1 or a canned good to Mrs. Fathke's office in the morning!
Happy Halloween!
Please join us tomorrow for a Halloween Parade! Grades K-4 will be in the Main gym at 3 pm.
The semi-final football game between Avon and DeSmet Friday evening will be broadcast on KMIT and Big Sioux Media radio stations. KMIT is 105.9 FM from Mitchell.
The Elementary have earned another 500 gold coins! They celebrated by having snow comes on Friday! Keep up the great work!
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week
PK-4: Dakota Leibel
5-8: Mason Milk
9-12: Terran Talsma
Here is the bracket for the Region 5B Volleyball Tournament to be held next week. The Lady Pirates will play in Avon on Tuesday at 6:00 PM.