Here is the link for the BHSA Girls Wrestling apparel. The boys link will be coming out soon.
Congratulations to Tyler Tjeerdsma for placing 22nd at the State Cross Country Meet held in Sioux Falls this past weekend. Good job Tyler!!
There will be a Tailgate supper at the football field before the playoff game with Hitchcock-Tulare on Thursday, October 26th. The proceeds will benefit the Bon Homme Youth Wrestling team.
Good luck to the cross country runners and Coach Jurrens today as they compete at the state meet! They will be running in Sioux Falls today. Good luck Rance, John, and Tyler!!
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week!
PK-4: Camden Frank
5-8: Jaelin Ratzlaff
9-12: Aaden Kutcha
The preschoolers are learning about different kinds and colors of leaves! They read "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt" and then went outside on a leaf hunt! It was a beautiful day for a leaf hunt!
Yesterday, the biology class used candy to make models of the cell membrane. With their models, they were able to replicate cell processes, like diffusion and osmosis, and get a better life-size idea of how these work.
Tonight's schedule for the volleyball matches:
JH @ 4 pm in the Auxiliary gym "A" followed by "B"
C game @ 5 pm in the Main gym followed by JV and Varsity
Following the JV game, we will have Parent's Night for Volleyball and Cross Country.
Juniors will be serving an extended menu on Thursday starting at 4:45 pm. Come support the Juniors and the Pirates!
The 2nd/3rd/4th grade students completed a spooky art project today on Friday the 13th!
The 3rd/4th grade students worked together this week on a STEM project that required them to build their own "broom" that was able to hold up as many candy pumpkins as possible. They had specific requirements and did a good job of putting their engineering skills to use
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week!
PK-4: Hudsyn Tjeerdsma
5-8: Palmer Podzimek
9-12: Hensley Talsma
Come out and support Avon HOSA--Health Occupations Students of America!
Today at Cross Country Regions held in Burke, these three gentlemen qualified for the State Cross Country meet! They will compete in Sioux Falls next weekend.
Rance Kuhlman (17th), Tyler Tjeerdsma (8th), and John Fathke (15th).
The JH football game vs. Bon Homme will start today at 4:15 pm instead of 4:30.
Congratulations to our Middle School volleyball teams today.
7th Grade- Champions
8th grade- Runner-up
Congratulations to both teams!
The Middle School earned 500 Gold Coins!! They celebrated today with root beer floats! Great job middle school!!
The Kindergarten class also enjoyed their root beer floats for winning the Homecoming Parade. Congratulations!
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week
PK-4: Haven Haenfler
5-8: Addison Lavelle
9-12: Randall Powers
The Student Council would like to thank everyone that donated pop tabs for the Wince family. Pictured are all the pop tabs collected by the Avon School District and Wagner School District combined. AMAZING!! Thank you!
Regular Meeting of the Avon Board of Education
Monday, October 9th, 2023, 6:30 P.M.
Board Room
Attend via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 988 305 9751
Passcode: 3291
1. Call to order
2. Approve the agenda
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Financial report
5. Approve minutes of the September 13th, 2023, board meeting and September 18th, 2023, special board meeting.
6. Principal’s report
7. Superintendent’s report
8. Public Input
9. Payment of bills
10. Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action to consider a resignation.
11. Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action for National Honor Society Pay.
12. Building Committee report
13. Curriculum committee report
14. Five Year Capital Outlay-Updated
15. Other Business
a. ASBSD Board Retreat-Policy Review
b. SPED stipends-Short Staffed
c. Athletic Director
14. Executive session, if needed
15. Adjournment