Congratulations to the Avon School Board for earning an ALL-Silver Award from the Associated School Boards of South Dakota. (ASBSD) The ALL stands for ACT, LEARN, and LEAD. Board members earn points for the various professional development activities sponsored by ASBSD. Thank you for your commitment to the Avon School!
Board members are Bridgette Muller, Joe Sees, Jeff Tolsma, Annie Thury, David Ratzlaff.
Congratulations to the Lady Pirates for winning the 8th grade tournament today!
There will only be a Junior High football game on Monday, October 14th. The JH game will start at 4:00.
Pirates Win! Go Big Red!
A group of students had the opportunity to tour Applied Engineering in Yankton today.
K-4th grade celebrated their first gold coin party with recess at the park! What a perfect fall day for it!
The JH cross country team wrapped up their season in Parkston. Rex finished 1st in the 6th grade division. In the 7th and 8th, Devonne, Palmer, Tucker, and Bentley finished 2nd-5th and Zane 10th. Congratulations on a great season!
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week
Pk-4: Molly Swier
5-8: Bronc Cihak
9-12: Declan Miner
The PK-6 grade students visited the Fire Hall today for Fire Safety Week. All student were able to go through the smoke house and practice how to escape safely. The 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students were given the opportunity to practice with fire extinguishers too. The firemen talked about ways to help prevent fires and how to stay safe during a fire. We are thankful for the fire department for taking time out of their day to offer this opportunity to our students!
Get the brooms out, sweep by the Lady Pirates! Go Big Red!
The Pirates are happy to show our support for the 4H program! It is a great organization for our kids. Thanks for all you do!
It was a great day to do a little math outside! Mrs. Gretschmann's Eighth graders doing the scientific notation "scoot" Mr. Kuhlman is 59 years old. Bonus for you who can write his age in scientific notation!
The Avon Pirates are happy to announce a partnership with Sips in Bloom in bringing coffee drinks to our athletic events. A portion of each drink will be donated to the Avon School. Thanks, Nikki, for your support of the Avon School!
30-26 Pirates. Go Big Red!
Regular Meeting of the Avon Board of Education
Monday, October 14th, 2024, 6:30 PM
Board Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 305 9751
Passcode: 3291
1. Call to order
2. Approve the agenda (m)
3. Disclose any new conflicts of interest of public school officers per SDCL 3-23-6 and determine if these conflicts of interest are fair, reasonable, and not contrary to the public interest. (m)
4. Principal’s Report.
5. Superintendent’s Report.
6. Public Input: According to Policy BDDH, which is available at
7. Approve the minutes from the regular meeting on September 11th and September 16th 2024. (m)
8. Approve Financial Reports. (m)
9. Approve August claims/payment of bills. (m)
10.) Discuss and consider the following policies (Draft copies are available for review on the Avon School Webpage)
b.) Policy OE OPEN ENROLLMENT (m) 2nd reading
e.) Policy HP homelessness (m)
f.) Policy DF: Fraud reporting
11.) Declare the superintendent or board president may act as the school boards designee on approving or denying open enrollment applications. (per SD SDCL 13-28-43) The designee will follow the school policy when deciding to approve or deny. (m)
12.) Approve Phase money request(m)
13.) Committee Reports
a.) Budget: Sees, Muller
b.) Curriculum Committee: Sees, Thury.
c.) Building/Grounds Committee: Tolsma, Ratzlaff.
d.) Policy: Muller, Sees.
e.) Co-op Center Board: Muller
14.) Other business
15.) Executive session per SDCL 1-25-2 (2)
16.) Adjournment
Published once at the total approximate cost of _______________
Gold Standard Pirates of the Week!
PK-4: Ezra Rush
5-8: Dawson Ratzlaff
9-12: Bree Vanderlei
A few notes for conferences tonight:
There will be a Title I Parent Meeting on Thursday, October 3rd at 3:30, 5:00, & 6:30 in the Title Room. It will be a brief overview of the Title program and a chance to ask questions or provide feedback about the Title I program. If you are interested in the information and cannot attend one of the times, stop in and see Mrs. Dykstra during conferences.
Ms. Wynia will be at conferences from 6 - 9 pm. If you would like to visit with her and cannot meet with her during this time, please e-mail her.
Ms. Jurrens will be at the cross-country meet in Burke. She will return to conferences when they get back. If you are unable to meet with her when she returns, please e-mail her to set up a time to meet or you can email her.
Armour is having a tailgate supper Friday night. Here is the menu.
The Lady Pirates will be in Lake Andes on Saturday for the Great Plains Conference Tournament. Information is below.
If you want to watch the football game Friday night it is on TDA Sports Live. That is there Youtube channel. Also, the game will be on the radio stations of KORN 92.1 FM and KOOL 98.3.